heya! ((^~^)) i absolutely loved my first BJD avatar from *COCO* so much that i finally decided to purchase the newest version! you may remember some of my previous posts with the old body & heads, but the new body has the same skeleton as a regular avatar so now you have the ability to wear mesh clothes more easily and with that i was completely sold! well, it’s a new month so that means….a brand new round of exclusive goodies from The Box! today i am featuring an adorable pose from the new pose pack from Kirin Pose Store as well as this gorgeous furniture from *ionic* which happens to be in the new Bazaar Area outside the shop where designers have placed items at only L$100 or less! also going on is a new hunt called the Happily Ever After??? Hunt where each item is only L$5 and for this *RoTten DeFiAnCe* has made two sets of crowns, Good Apple and Bad Apple, and with each set you get two different colors!
- Crown~*RoTten DeFiAnCe*-Enchanted Crowns-Bad Apple-Black & Red (2 colors included…L$5 from Happily Ever After??? Hunt…tysm rogue!)
- Dress~[[ Masoom ]]-Idyll dress (free group gift)
- Hair~>TRUTH<-Rebel
- Head~*COCO*-Doll Head-001V
- Body~*COCO*-Doll Body
- Legs~*COCO*-Doll Corset Piercing-Black
- Kirin Pose Store-Yui Pose Pack-Yui Pose 5 (exclusive @ The Box ..tysm carolina!)