greetings! ((^~^)) when i saw the new mesh head avatar from The Sugar Garden i fell in love and adding the jackalope set from +Half-Deer+ made me squeeeeee! i do so hope there are more mesh heads to come, being as you can change the makeup and expressions plus add your own eyes which is something i have never been able to do with any of my other mesh heads. the I’m a Goth Lolita poses from ~G O L A Industry~ are adorable and i think fit perfectly with any type of lolita really! don’t forget to check out [DandelionWine] too because the entire store is on sale for only L$10 with some great mesh clothing pieces!
- Headgear~+Half-Deer+-The Jackalope-Blush (L$145…thank you halogen!)
- Dress~[DandelionWine]-Retro Mesh Dress-Standard Size-9 colors (on sale L$10)
- Shoes~* .:: deeR ::. *~Mesh high heels platform-Multi-Colors (free group gift…cost to join)
- Hair~.ploom.-Rene-Candy (on sale L$95 @ My Attic @ The Deck)
- Eyes~~*By Snow*~-Deep Eyes-Berry & Rose-Berry (past Subscriber gift)
- Mesh Head & Skin~The Sugar Garden-Dakota Mesh Head Hybrid Avatar-B Tone (L$1,350)
- Shape~made by me (not for sale)
- ~G O L A Industry~-I’m a Goth Lolita (L$69…thank you ransie2!)
sim location~