Monday, December 31, 2012

~The Wandering Faun Makes A (crappy) Music Video~

my first Second Life music video……never made or edited anything so far so this is my attempt with one long continuous shot…..mostly made to show Second Life avatars & movement for my non-SL friends while teaching myself along the way (i think some people see my pics and have no idea that these avatars can move and are able to do just about anything) ((^~^)) hoping this will be the first of many more to come & hoping to improve my video editing skills as i have done with my photo editing now that i have found a decent screen capture program and adjusted the FPS just right…. this is not really style-related but since it’s SL-related i thought i would share with my followers here ((^~^)) ENJOY MY TEST!!! in all it’s video n00b glory lololol! 
(i think Blogger makes this look too fuzzy so if u prefer, check out my Tumblr for a cleaner version! )
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